Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More on McLaren and Driver Equality

What if McLaren really DOES treat each driver equally but it's the skill (or lack thereof) of the driver that makes the difference? Look at Alonso... he was supposed to be the fastest and sometimes was, but there was this young whipper-snapper who was hungry and had the skills to seriously challenge Alonso. Alonso couldn't deal with it as he expected the team to treat him special. With Heikki, it was different. His skills were (and are) good, but not as high as Hamilton's. Looking back to Kimi being paired with Montoya, it was clear that both were equal in skills, with Kimi showing a slight edge. Montoya thought of himself as a prima dona, so he expected more. Did the team treat David differently than either Mika or Kimi? Each driver has been given a car best suited to them, all other things being equal. It is ultimately up to each driver to produce results in their car, after their setups are in-place. If they've made mistakes, they correct and move on to another run, another race. If any team can afford (via engineering costs) to setup an exact car for each driver, it is McLaren.

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